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Impossible to connect to Chilexpress. Please, check your API credentials and firewall

As the message indicates, it is not possible to establish communication with the API (Chilexpress). This problem is due to one of the following causes:

  1. Please read the cause and details of the error carefully. It is possible that there is an error in the configuration of your credentials or that they have some blockage/limitation established by Chilexpress.
  2. The Chilexpress API service is temporarily out of service. If this is the case, you must wait for its complete restoration.
  3. Your server is blocking the connection to Chilexpress. If this is the case, you can contact your hosting provider and notify them that you have connection problems from your server to the site:
  4. Chilexpress is blocking access to your server (this is unlikely). If this is the case, you can contact Chilexpress and indicate that there is a block to the IP of your server. If you don't know the IP of your server, you can request it to your hosting provider. Sometimes a server can have more than one IP, it is necessary to allow access to all of them.
I have installed and configured the module correctly, but it does not show any available services

Possible causes:

  1. If you have modified the native structure of PrestaShop's Zones and/or Provinces, verify that each of the carriers is correctly associated with all the Zones available for Chile.
  2. The module contains more than 700 cities/communes and Chilexpress only dispatches to 287+ destinations, to rule out this problem, choose as origin and destination Santiago Centro.
  3. It is necessary that your products least have at the weight specified or that you use the module options to generate them at the time of calculation, otherwise you will not get a valid quote and therefore there will be no services available.
  4. Carriers can be delimited in the configuration of each product, verify that it is NOT excluding Chilexpress transporters.
  5. Verify with the provider's online quote that effectively has available services at the specified origin and destination, as well as the dimensions and weight of the package.
  6. If you have already correctly validated the previous points and there are still no services is displayed, then empty your cart and restart the process.
One or more of the services are shown as free

Costs can be altered by discount rules that grant free shipping, such as: discount coupons, general transportation preferences or the preferences of a particular carrier.
You must also validate that there are NO third-party modules modifying the native behavior. For testing purposes, we suggest you uninstall all those modules that in some way intervene in the prices or currency format.

The services are displayed correctly, but in some payment methods or other pages it does not show shipping costs

If you have the option Quote only on checkout page active, then deactivate it, since some third-party modules are not developed based on the PrestaShop standards and the behavior may not be correct.