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Module Settings


It is mandatory to have the name of the cities normalized. When installing the module and as the first configuration step will be shown a screen with this information, where you must click on the button Normalize Addresses, it will analyze all the addresses of the customers associated with the country of Chile that have registered in the store and will try to normalize them in such a way that they fulfill the suitable destinations for the calculation of the costs of shipping through the carrier Chilexpress.


You must complete this process before you begin using the module.


Important information

If you still do not have an account created in Chilexpress or you do not know your credentials for the API, you can find all the information related to the registration and request for credentials at: Como me Integro

To use the module, you must have the corresponding keys for the Chilexpress Coverage, Quote, and Shipment APIs, which you must configure in the corresponding field on this module screen. You must also specify the mode or environment in which the module will be used (Test or Production)

Production Mode

If you are asked for any information about the services to be integrated for the move to the production environment, use these values:

  • Are you going to use a plugin?: No.
  • Which APIs do you want to integrate?: Select all options.

Sender Information

In this section you must configure the data corresponding to the sender of the shipments. All the data must coincide with those that were registered with Chilexpress and the origin address for the shipment of your packages.


You must configure all the options shown below:

Available cities

This option will allow you to activate or deactivate the quotation service for specific communes, note that some of them are deactivated and this is because they are not available from the courier.

Additionally, you must take into account that the activation of a commune does not guarantee the availability of logistics services, this is determined by the operator. This option only guarantees NOT to offer shipping services in the communes NOT marked.

Quotation mode

This refers to the way your products will be treated when estimating shipping costs, you can choose from 3 possible options:

  • Based on the weight of the product, only the weight of the product is considered to make the quotation.
  • Based on the weight and cubic volume of the product, it can be very useful if its products are of similar characteristics and their appearance are somewhat more square or spherical.
  • Based on optimized three-dimensional weight and volume, recommended in most cases, as it tries to simulate the packaging of all the products in a 3D box.

Quote only on checkout page

By activating this option, it ensures that the calculation of shipping costs are only made when the customer goes to the checkout page of the store. By doing so no unnecessary calculations are performed while the customer navigates the rest of the store.


We strongly recommend that you leave this option enabled in order to prevent the process of adding products to the cart from being slowed down by unnecessary shipping cost calculations.

Set product dimensions

This option helps you to establish (some or all) basic or dynamic dimensions to your products when calculating shipping costs. It is very useful especially when you do not have registered all the data dimensions of the products in the store.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the quotation of the shipment can not be made if any of the dimensions of the products are not correctly established, either in the product catalog or through the options of the module.

Set product weight

This option helps you establish a base or dynamic weight for your products when calculating shipping costs.It is very useful especially when you do not have registered all the data dimensions of the products in the store.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the quotation of the shipment can not be made if any of the dimensions of the products are not correctly established, either in the product catalog or through the options of the module.

Overdimension packages cost

When the packaging of your shipment does not conform to the standard of measures and weight of Chilexpress, it is considered as Oversized Shipment. This surcharge applies to shipments with irregularly shaped packaging, or with a weight greater than 50 kg, or if any of its edges exceeds 120 cm in length, 80 cm in width and/or 80 cm in height.

Impact on price

It allows establishing an impact on the cost of the shipment before showing it to the customer. This way you can increase or decrease the final cost of the shipment according to your needs.

Show only the cheapest service(s)

Activate this option only if you want to only show, as a shipping option for your customers at checkout, the cheapest services that the quote shows. If there is more than one service with the same price, all those whose cost is equal to the minimum cost among all the quoted services will be shown.

Delivery Dates

This section will allow you to show, in the selection step of the shipping method of the checkout page, the estimated time in which the order will be delivered to the customer. The option can activate or deactivate it in the selector and has another option that will allow you to deactivate it visually, but at the same time allows the use of it for integration with third-party modules.  Estimated delivery times are calculated based on the following rules:

  • The days when the carrier has collection.
  • The days when the carrier makes deliveries.
  • The time range estimated by the carrier for the delivery of shipments according to each service.
  • The days when you dispatch packages, which you will have to mark in "Delivery days".
  • The maximum time of the day to dispatch the packages on the same day, which will have to be defined in "Max pickup hour".
  • Special dates such as non-working days, days when the carrier will not have collection or delivery service, or a day that you simply do not want to dispatch. You can indicate as many as necessary. It is very important that you keep this calendar updated. The dates must indicate them in "Special dates".
  • In "Additional days" you can indicate a value in days that will always be added to the estimated dispatch date. This will allow you to have more slack in terms of the delivery dates of your orders or adjust them in general.
  • As an additional option, it has a multi-language text field where you can add information related to the policies required to comply, as far as possible, with the estimated delivery times, or any other text of your choice.
  • The option "Show in Transit time" should only be activated in case the text is not displayed correctly due to an incompatibility with your checkout (probably when using a custom checkout module). This option will replace or concatenate the message to one side of the original text of the carrier in the "Transit time" field.

Shipment Options

You must configure all the options that are displayed indicating:

Package content type

Field required by Chilexpress that classifies the type of content of your package.

Label file type

Format in which the label associated with your generated shipments will be obtained.

Use cash on delivery

If activated, you will send the total amount of the order along with the shipping information to be collected at the time of delivery. You must also specify which payment modules are associated with the Cash on delivery option.

Cron Jobs

In this tab you will obtain the necessary information to configure the scheduled tasks related to the automated processes of the module, as well as the recommended frequency for the execution of each process:

  • Shipping Status: Task related to the automated updating of the status of shipments.

Automatic shipment status update

When entering the details of any order in the BackOffice, the status of the associated shipment is automatically updated at least once an hour.


You will be able to find the path to review the complete log of possible errors generated during the module operations. This should be the first place to check before a "malfunction" of it.