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CoDi Register Tutorial


This is the most complex step of the configuration. Following the step-by-step instructions, you must register on the CoDi page to register your business. This step is completely required so that you can send receipts to your buyers and they can make the corresponding payments.


You have to record a lot of data in a relatively short period of time. If you do not complete the registration process in the corresponding time, you must restart it from scratch, losing the data previously entered. For this reason, we recommend that you have the following documents on hand before proceeding:

  • SAT electronic signature certificate
  • SAT electronic signature private key
  • Electronic signature private key passphrase or password
  • Fiscal data (company name, RFC, full address)
  • CLABE number of the tax bank account


Go to the following link: Once there you will find an authentication screen where you must enter your SAT certificate, the private key and your password. Then click on the "LOG IN" button:

CoDi login portal authentication

Data of your Entity

The first thing you will be asked for is the tax data associated with your entity (company or physical person). Complete the data and click on the "Next" button:

company information

Next you must fill in the address information. Complete the data and click on the "Next" button:

company details

Contact information

Subsequently, they request the details of a contact person from your entity to whom notifications will be sent by email when your registration is validated. You can indicate the same data for the technical and operational manager. Complete the data and click on the "Next" button:

contact details


The Providers section refers to the entity that is offering you the service for generating collection messages through CoDi. In this case, your provider will be Rolige. Continue adding a "NEW PROVIDER" using the corresponding button.

Download the provider's certificate from the CoDi module configuration screen in your store. Use said certificate in the corresponding field and then click on "VALIDATE PROVIDER":

supplier data

Once validated, click on the "Next" button.

They then ask you for the authorized IP addresses. You must enter the IP indicated in the module configuration screen: Then click on the "ADD" button:

authorized IP addresses

Once added, click the "Next" button.

In the next step you will be asked for the URL of the webservice. Although it indicates that it is optional, it is extremely important that you configure this URL correctly so that you can receive notifications of payments made in your store in real time. You must enter the URL indicated in the module configuration screen: Then click on the "ADD" button:

callback url

Once added, click the "Next" button.

Finally they will ask you for the certificate of operation. Use the same provider certificate used in the "Provider Data" step and click on the "ADD CERTIFICATE" button:

callback url

Once added, click on the "ADD PROVIDER" button.

You should see a screen similar to this:

supplier list

Bank account

As a final step, they will request the CLABE number of your bank account. The funds associated with the payments made by your buyers will be deposited in this account. It must be a tax account, where the name associated with it matches that of the company name registered with the SAT. You must enter the CLABE account and then click on the "ADD" button:

bank account

Finally do not forget to click on the "UPDATE" button. A confirmation message will appear if all your data was correctly registered.

Once all the data is registered, you must wait a while for them to verify and activate your account and you can generate billing messages. Before this activation takes place, you will not be able to complete the configuration of the module or use the module to request payments from your buyers. Send us an email with your details after you have completed the registration on the CoDi page to try to speed up the activation process of your account.

Post-validation configuration

Once your account is activated, you will receive a confirmation email to the email registered as contact information. Enter the CoDi page again where, after authenticating, you will see a message similar to this:

validated account

Look for the upper right menu and select the option Generated Keys:

top right menu

Generated Keys menu option

The data that appears is what you will need to complete the last part of the configuration of the CoDi module in your store. Copy the necessary data to configure the fields of this section:

CoDi key info

Once the configuration is complete, your store is ready to request payments and receive payments.