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Module Settings


It is mandatory to have the name of the cities normalized. When installing the module and as the first configuration step will be shown a screen with this information, where you must click on the button Normalize Addresses, it will analyze all the addresses of the customers associated with the country of Chile that have registered in the store and will try to normalize them in such a way that they fulfill the suitable destinations for the calculation of the costs of shipping.


You must complete this process before you begin using the module.


You must configure all the options shown below:

Quotation mode

This refers to the way your products will be treated when estimating shipping costs, you can choose from 3 possible options:

  • Based on the weight of the product, only the weight of the product is considered to make the quotation.
  • Based on the weight and cubic volume of the product, it can be very useful if its products are of similar characteristics and their appearance are somewhat more square or spherical.
  • Based on optimized three-dimensional weight and volume, recommended in most cases, as it tries to simulate the packaging of all the products in a 3D box.

Set product dimensions

This option helps you to establish (some or all) basic or dynamic dimensions to your products when calculating shipping costs. It is very useful especially when you do not have registered all the data dimensions of the products in the store.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the quotation of the shipment can not be made if any of the dimensions of the products are not correctly established, either in the product catalog or through the options of the module.

Set product weight

This option helps you establish a base or dynamic weight for your products when calculating shipping costs.It is very useful especially when you do not have registered all the data dimensions of the products in the store.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the quotation of the shipment can not be made if any of the dimensions of the products are not correctly established, either in the product catalog or through the options of the module.

Impact on price

It allows establishing an impact on the cost of the shipment before showing it to the customer. This way you can increase or decrease the final cost of the shipment according to your needs.

Volumetric factor

Factor used by your carriers to calculate the volumetric weight from the package dimensions. In case the physical weight is less than the volumetric weight, the latter will be the one used to make the quote.


In this section you could configure the available couriers or transport services.
Later you will be able to configure the rates by commune for each one.

Couriers list

Upon entering this screen you will see a summary list where you can find all the information related to the configured couriers. You can add new couriers, delete or modify any of the existing ones.


By default a courier is created when installing the module. You can modify or delete it according to your needs.

Add/Edit courier

To add a new courier or modify an existing one, you must specify the following information:


Name or label of the courier that will serve to identify it within the module configuration.


This is the internal name of the courier in the module. You can change the logo, name, delay and any other data of the carrier that will be shown to the customer at checkout in the Carriers section of the Back Office.

Pickup days

Days of the week that the courier collects packages from his store.

Delivery days

Days of the week that the courier delivers packages to customers.

Limit by weight

Maximum physical weight allowed by the courier. Leave blank or 0 to skip.

Limit by volumen

Maximum volume allowed by the courier. Leave blank or 0 to skip.

Rate Options

In this section you can define the weight ranges that will be used to configure the shipping costs of your couriers. After indicating the Incremental weight and Maximum range weight you can see the weight ranges that will finally be ready for your configuration.


Please note that changing these settings will affect the couriers' already configured rates. Be careful, because you may lose data.


In this section you could configure the rates by commune for each courier.

Rates list

IMPORTANT: You must configure the cost of shipping from the commune of origin of the store to each of the communes with coverage. It can be done manually, by editing the communes one by one or by importing Excel.

Upon entering this screen you will see a summary list where you can find all the information related to delivery costs for each of the communes configured by each courier previously created, as well as the average time it takes since the order is confirmed in the shop until the courier delivers the package to the destination. You can add new destinations, delete or modify any of the existing ones.

IMPORTANT: You know in advance the commune of origin of your shipments, so you only have to configure the destinations, the cost and delivery time for each of them.

IMPORTANT: If a commune is not included in the list (or was eliminated from the list), it will not be possible to send it to said commune, and therefore the carrier available at the checkout for that destination will not appear.

Add/Edit rate

IMPORTANT: The name of the commune is the identifier of each destination, therefore it can not be repeated (foreach courier) since it would be configuring 2 different costs for the same destination.

To add or edit a rate you must specify the following information:


Select courier to configure.


Destination Commune.

Estimated delivery time

Time elapsed from the confirmation of the order to the delivery of the package (expressed in days). Example: 3 days.


The cost of transportation according to the courier rates (expressed in Chilean pesos (CLP) without thousands separator). Example: 1500.33
IMPORTANT: If a cost 0 is specified for a commune, then transportation for said commune will be free.

Cost (additional kg)

This will be the cost applied to each additional kg that exceeds the maximum defined weight range. Example: If the maximum defined weight value is 10 kg at a cost of $ 1000, the cost of the additional kilogram is $ 100, and we had a cart whose total weight of products is 15 kg, the final shipping cost would be calculated with the formula:

maximum weight cost (10 kg) + additional kg cost * (total cart weight - configured maximum weight)

Continuing with the previous example: \(1000 + 100 * (15 - 10) = $ 1500\)

Bulk export

This is the fastest option to obtain the complete list of rates configured by courier. You can also obtain an Excel with the complete list of communes, which will serve as a format and basis to configure your rates.

For any reason, you MUST NOT alter or correct any other column of the document other than the columns "COST" and "ESTIMATED DAYS OF DELIVERY".

Bulk import

This is the fastest and easiest option to configure the courier shipping costs. You only have to upload an Excel or CSV file with the structure of the sample file where you specify the cost of shipping to each commune and its estimated delivery time.

MUST NOT for any reason alter or correct any other column of the document other than the columns "COST" and "ESTIMATED DAYS OF DELIVERY".

If you want to delete all the previous configuration and upload a new configuration from zero, activate the option Delete existing data before importing. Otherwise, all existing pre-configured information will be overwritten, so be very careful to only include in the document the data you want to add or update.

Delivery Dates

This section will allow you to show, in the selection step of the shipping method of the checkout page, the estimated time in which the order will be delivered to the customer. The option can activate or deactivate it in the selector and has another option that will allow you to deactivate it visually, but at the same time allows the use of it for integration with third-party modules.
Estimated delivery times are calculated based on the following rules:

  • The days in which you send shipments, which you will have to mark in "Days of dispatch". These must coincide with the days when the courier makes collection and delivery of packages.
  • The minimum hour of the day to dispatch the packages, which will have to be defined in "Minimum collection time". If a cart is created before this time, it will be taken as the start time to calculate the estimated delivery date. This must coincide with the time at which the courier begins to collect packages.
  • The maximum time of day to dispatch the packages on the same day, which will have to be defined in "Maximum collection time". If a cart is created after this time, 1 day will be added to calculate the estimated delivery date on the business day following the minimum collection time. This must coincide with the time at which the courier finishes making deliveries of packages.


    All delivery times of the defined rates that are greater than the interval of time set between the minimum and maximum collection hours will be truncated automatically.*

  • Special dates could be non-working days, days in which the courier will not have collection or delivery service, or a day that you simply do not want to send. You can indicate as many as necessary. It is very important that you keep this calendar updated. The dates must indicate them in "Special dates".

  • As an additional option, it has a multi-language text field where you can add information related to the policies required to comply, as far as possible, with the estimated delivery times, or any other text of your choice.
  • The option "Show transit time" should only be activated if the text is not displayed correctly due to an incompatibility with your checkout (probably when using a personalized checkout module). This option will replace or concatenate the message to one side of the original text of the carrier in the "Transit time" field.