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Module Settings


In this section you must enter the credentials corresponding to the Rolige billing API, as well as the mode or environment in which the module will be used (Sandbox or Production).


To obtain the necessary credentials to access the Rolige billing API, you must contact us following the instructions that you can read on the module screen. We will validate your information and get back to you as soon as possible with the API credentials you need to use to configure this section.

Update DSC (just for Production environment)

In this section you must enter your RFC and SAT Digital Seal Certificate with your password. You can get this stamp, or request it if you don't have it yet, by following the help instructions in the section.


This is the most important tab of the module configuration. You must pay extreme attention when completing your configuration. Here you will find 2 sections:

Issuer Data

It refers to the fiscal data of the issuer of the invoices that will be generated. These data must coincide with those registered with the SAT.


Varied general configuration options associated with the generation of invoices. In the description of each field you can find a brief explanation of its function.


In this tab you must link the different elements of your store with their corresponding counterpart in the SAT catalog in order to generate the invoices correctly. Here you will find 3 sections:

Payment Form

You must link the payment methods of your store with its corresponding classification in the SAT catalog. If any option recently added by the SAT is missing, you can use the Update Catalogs button to update the list of options.


You must link the taxes used in your store with its corresponding classification in the SAT catalog. If any option recently added by the SAT is missing, you can use the Update Catalogs button to update the list of options.


Each product that you want to invoice must be linked to its corresponding code and unit of the SAT catalogue. This section allows you to make said link in a massive way, affecting all the products that have one of the selected categories as default.

In case you want to configure this product by product, you can go to edit the product in question in your backoffice and in the Modules tab -> Mexico's Electronic Invoicing you will find the same options to link said specific product with its code and unit of the corresponding SATs.

Customer Permissions

If you want each buyer to be able to generate their own invoices from their customer account, you must indicate for each payment method in which order status you will allow the customer billing option to appear.

If you do not want customers to generate their own invoices, leave everything unchecked on this tab. If you want the customer to not be able to generate their own invoices for a particular payment method, leave the options for that specific payment method unselected. Remember to only select order states where the payment has already been made and the order is completely valid.

Bills List

Direct access to the module's Electronic Invoice List.

User Account

You can find the information corresponding to the folios available in the Rolige API for the billing service. You can also configure alerts to receive notification by email when you are running out of sheets available and directly access the contact form to purchase additional sheets.


When an API connection error occurs or when trying to generate an invoice, this event will be recorded in the module error log with the corresponding details. You can check the error log here.