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I have problems with the automatic download of the IP database

Some servers do not allow local downloading of files for security reasons or because of a file size limitation. In case this is your problem, you can choose to manually download the IP database from your IP2Location account, and then upload it directly to your server.

How to download it?

  • Go to:
  • Log in with your account. If you do not have one you can create it, it's free.
  • Go to: Account > Database Download
  • A little further down in the list of databases, click on tab: IP2Location Database
  • Download the "IPv6 Database" BIN file corresponding to the code "DB3.LITE". download ip database

How to upload the IP database manually?

  • Extract the downloaded ZIP file.
  • Using any file manager (such as FileZilla), upload the extracted file "IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB3.IPV6.BIN" to the path: /modules/rg_locationdetection/databases/
Country detection not working properly

First of all, you should keep in mind that geolocation is not 100% accurate and you may very well come across incongruous country detections. If your shop depends 100% on this and you want to improve accuracy, then we strongly recommend that you opt to purchase IP2Location's paid IP database.

Please review the following points in case your issue is not related to the accuracy of country detection.

  1. Make sure that the module has been installed correctly and that you have configured it with a full understanding of the impact each option has.
  2. Make sure the IP database is up to date.
  3. Test across different browsers, including private tabs to discard stored cookies.
  4. Do some testing with the dev mode link provided by the module. Avoid doing it on localhost and be sure to try IPs from different countries.
The carrier is not assigned to the cart automatically
  1. Make sure that the module was installed without problems including its override file, without this it won't work.
  2. Make sure that the global option "Set the carrier" is active.
  3. In the list of countries in the module, make sure you have assigned the desired carrier to the target country.
  4. Make sure the country detection is working properly.
  5. Make sure that the carrier that you want to assign by default to a country works correctly and can be selected without problems in the checkout carrier selection process.
  6. Test across browsers and in private tabs.
  7. This functionality applies only to recently created carts and that their associated carrier has not been altered in the selection of carriers, perform tests on new carts.
How to redirect traffic by country to its corresponding shop?

The module executes the redirection in the shop in which you have configured the redirection, to understand it better we will use the following example:

Let's imagine that we have a multi-shop created with 3 shops:

  1. Shop A: designed for customers from Spain.
  2. Shop B: designed for customers from Germany.
  3. Shop C: Designed for customers from Italy.

So we need our visitors from these 3 countries to go to the right shop for them, for this we will need to create a couple of redirects per shop as follows:

  1. Shop A, we move to the context of this shop and...
    • We create a redirect by selecting the country of Germany, and in the URL we put its address.
    • We create a redirect by selecting the country of Italy, and in the URL we put its address.
  2. Shop B, we move to the context of this shop and...
    • We create a redirect by selecting the country of Spain, and in the URL we put its address.
    • We create a redirect by selecting the country of Italy, and in the URL we put its address.
  3. Shop C, we move to the context of this shop and...
    • We create a redirect by selecting the country of Spain, and in the URL we put its address.
    • We create a redirect by selecting the country of Germany, and in the URL we put its address.

In this way, the redirection would be completed and the traffic coming from these 3 countries would be redirected to its corresponding shop.