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The infobars allow you to display very particular content for one or several countries.


In case your shop is a multi-shop, infobars can only be configured in the context of a specific shop, never in All shops either Shop group.

Setting options


Mandatory option in which you must select the country or countries for which you want to display the infobar. You can add or remove countries from the list of countries of the module. It should also be noted that it is not allowed to create 2 or more infobars within the same store with the same country, so, will be available only those who have not been selected in another infobar within the same store, and that are active in the list of countries in the module.

Infobar content

Mandatory option where you should enter the content of the infobar. It has tags that will allow you to display the name of the country as well as the image of the flag belonging to the country.

It has a variety of CSS options that will allow you to style the infobar. For the width, height and border size options, you must enter the unit type.

Static position

Option that will allow you to make your infobar remain anchored to the chosen position, so that it will remain floating even when you scroll on the page.

Custom CSS

In this text area you can enter a custom CSS code to your infobar. You must have knowledge of web design before using this option, otherwise you could alter the design of other elements of your website.


Option to explicitly activate or deactivate the infobar you are adding or editing.