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List of Countries

Section that shows the list of countries with which the module will operate. By default the information of 244 countries is included, which you can add or edit according to your need.

Options to Highlight

Currency ISO Code

You must specify the ISO code of the currency (in three digits). This would be the currency that the module would establish in the store, as long as the main option of Detect currency is activated. It must also be available in your currencies list.

Language ISO Code (first option)

You must specify the ISO code of the language (in two digits). This would be the language that the module would establish in the store, as long as the main option of Detect language is activated. It must also be available in your languages list. It also has two additional language options which would be considered when establishing the language in the store.


Option that will allow you to select the default carrier to the country you are editing.