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Module Settings

API Token

Once you have correctly installed the module, you will see a first configuration form, which is intended to make the first download of the default IP database.

Configuration API Token

You must enter the API token which you can obtain from your IP2Location account (

IP2Location API Token

Once you have entered the API token, you can proceed to save. In case you have problems with the automatic download, go to the section FAQ and follow the instructions of: I have problems with the automatic download of the IP database

Global Settings

Once you have correctly entered your API token and the module detects a correct IP database, then you can configure the module's global options.

Exclude list, IP addresses & Exclude list, User agents

Options that allow you to exclude detection of all IPs or user agents entered. This allows to maintain a good SEO in your store, since otherwise your site could be penalized by the most important search engines.

Exclude list, URL param

With this option you will be able to exclude detection by parameters you have specified in the request, either by GET or POST:

Example parameters

In case the parameter is going to be added to the URL, be careful to follow the general rules for using parameters. Here are some examples using the RgExcludeLocationDetection parameter as a reference.

  • Before:
  • After:
  • Before:
  • After:

Exclude list, Shop pages

Option that will allow you to exclude the detection of specific pages of the store.


We recommend that you include all the pages associated with payment module controllers or any that are requested remotely, with this you will avoid processing failures.


This option must be activated only when you are using Cloudflare on your website.

Detect currency

It will allow you to establish the currency related to the detected country, in case a currency is not the one indicated for a country, you can change it by the correct one in the list of countries that you will find at the end of the configurator. It's important that the country is active in the list of countries, otherwise it will be omitted.

Detect language

It will allow you to establish the language related to the detected country, and like the currency, in case a language is not the one indicated for a country, you can change it by the correct one in the list of countries that you will find at the end of the configurator. It's important that the country is active in the list of countries, otherwise it will be omitted.

Set the carrier

It will allow you to establish default carriers to the countries, for this you must associate it manually in the list of countries, where it will allow you to indicate a default carrier for each country. It's important that the country is active in the list of countries, otherwise it will be omitted.

Enable redirections

With this option you can deactivate or activate the redirections, so that if you keep it disabled, no redirection created in the redirections list will be executed.

Enable infobars

With this option you can deactivate or activate the infobars, so that if you keep it disabled, no infobar created in the infobars list will be executed.
Option that will allow you to enter the lifetime of the cookie, during which time all actions made by the user will be saved and will be reset once the time indicated has been exceeded. It has the option to indicate 0 so that the values are automatically re-established when closing the browser tab, but it is important to note that some browsers only perform this action when closing the browser completely.

API token

Mandatory field in which you must enter the API token which you can obtain from your IP2Location account.

IP Database

Selector that lists all the databases loaded in the module, which should be hosted in the path /modules/rg_locationdetection/databases/.
By default the module operates with the version DB3LITEBINIPV6 which is completely free, but if you require more precision you can choose to acquire a payment database. You will only have to load the file .BIN in the aforementioned route.

Enable redirect logs

Activate this option only if you want to log all redirects made by the module.
This option will be useful if your shop has some strange behavior and you want to find requests that are being redirected and causing conflicts in specific processes.


Deactivate the option once you have found the problem and for no reason use it during times of high traffic.

Other Options

  • Debug: The module has a unique link where you can perform the corresponding tests. By default the link is generated with the IP of your connection, but you can change this IP for one belonging to another country. There are different proxy sites on the web where you can obtain IPs from different countries.
  • Cron Job: The module will provide you with a URL that will allow you to update the default IP database automatically, you just need to make sure to add this URL to your cron tasks with an execution interval of at least 2 weeks. IP2Location regularly updates their databases once a month.
  • Update Default Database: Button that will allow you to update the default IP database manually whenever you want. It is an alternative option in case you don't want to configure a cron task. Visit our FAQ section in case you have troubles with the download.