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Additional Integrations

Push notifications

For the correct operation of push notifications through the mobile app, it is necessary to install and correctly configure the Rolige module: Web Browser Push Notifications using OneSignal

All the options of this module, according to its configuration, will also be available to the app. You can activate the sending of notifications for abandoned cart, change of order status, registered shipping tracking number, response to customer message, among several other options.

Send notifications from the OneSignal dashboard

When you want to send notifications specifically to be opened by the app, for those clients who have it installed on their phone, it is first necessary to segment the app's clients and then use a special URL for the links associated with said notifications. The following video details the essential aspects to take into account when sending this type of notification from the OneSignal panel:

  • Segment customers only from the app: App clients will always have the version number of the app registered in their subscriber data. Therefore, to filter only the clients of the app, a new segment must be created specifying that the App Version is greater than zero.

  • Send bulk push notification to app clients: To send a notification only to the app's clients, a new push notification must be created, specifying the previously created segment as the audience. In order for the notification to be opened directly in the app when the client touches it, the URL defined for the notification must be modified and in the "App URL" field, change the "https" protocol of that URL to "App technical name" configured in the shop module.

App order and sales statistics

There is a special module to graphically display sales statistics and orders made from the app according to the number of products purchased and total amounts paid. To view these statistics, the Rolige module must be installed: Sales and orders Rolige app. Subsequently, the corresponding data can be viewed automatically from the "Statistics" menu in the "Sales and Orders Rolige app" tab of the BackOffice of the shop:

app sales stats

Search engines

The app is compatible with the native PrestaShop search engine. Additionally there is a list of third party modules/search engines with which the app is also compatible:

  • Impresee Intelligent Search Bar


The list of supported modules/search engines is constantly expanding. However, you can ask our team for custom development to integrate new modules/search engines at any time.