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Module Settings


App technical name

This value will be initially set by the module developer.


This value should not be modified, as it can cause the mobile app to malfunction and send push notifications.

Checkout pages

All those payment pages or pages that serve as an exit bridge to the payment gateways outside the shop must be selected. This will allow the customer to be alerted if they try to leave any of these pages before completing the purchase:

alert when leaving checkout

Shop administration (for multi-shop only)

When we have activated the multi-shop option with several shops created, this section appears. In it we can configure how we want the shop to be assigned in which the client will browse when they open the app for the first time on their phone. The options are:

  • Shop selected by default: we choose a shop and that will always be the one initially assigned to the customer.
  • Shop auto-assigned by country: the app will try to detect the customer's country using the geolocation data (GPS) of the phone. In correspondence with the country detected, it will try to assign the shop that has said country active in the country configuration of PrestaShop.
  • Shop selector: a selector is displayed so that the customer is the one who chooses which shop he wants to browse.

Additionally, we can limit the shops that can be assigned (in case we need that within the app only certain shops are navigated) and if we want to give the client the option to change shop, after the initial assignment, through a shop selector.


You will have the following configuration options at your disposal:

Development mode

When activated, it allows you to preview the shop in a web browser as it would be seen from the mobile application. You just have to keep in mind that you have to use the "token" parameter indicated in the example URL. This will allow you to make aesthetic adjustments to the display of your shop within the app in a simpler way:

app development mode

Show overlay on loading

If enabled, an overlay will be displayed on every page load. It is recommended to activate this option since it could avoid an incorrect repeated press after a previous one.:

overlay layer on loading

Use modal cart

If enabled, a modal prompt will be displayed when a product is added to the cart:

add to cart modal

Search engine

Allows you to select the search engine that will be used in the app. The availability of the different search engines is subject to the installation/configuration of search modules in your shop and the compatibility of said module with the app.


You can ask our team for custom development to integrate new modules/search engines at any time.

Modules to disable

The selected modules will be disabled only within the app. Our team can help you set up this option initially.


Maintenance options allow you to easily activate/deactivate the app without having to modify the global settings of the shop. In the same way, IP addresses can be defined that could access the app exclusively, even when it is deactivated. This option is particularly useful for testing after configuration changes or adjustments.


You will have the following configuration options at your disposal:

Free shipping carriers

Select carriers will offer free shipping within the app only.


You will find a list of discount coupons exclusively for use within the app. You can create new exclusive coupons to use within the app. These discounts are normally created in the BackOffice of your shop from the "Cart Rules" menu. You will only need to follow the following rules regarding the generated codes:

  • Manual discounts: These will be those discounts that will be added to the shopping cart only if the customer knows and adds the coupon or discount code to the cart manually (as long as it complies with all the rules configured in the discount). Manual discounts will necessarily have a code with the prefix "APP-". For example, the discount code could be: APP-10OFF or APP-500FREE or APP-GIFT.

  • Automatic discounts: These will be those discounts that will be added to the shopping cart automatically, without the customer having to perform any action in the application. Only when making the purchase from the app will the customer benefit from this discount (provided that they comply with all the rules configured in the discount). Automatic discounts require a code with the prefix "AAPP-". For example, the discount code could be: AAPP-10OFF or AAPP-500FREE or AAPP-GIFT.

In this section you can configure all the options available in the app menu:


These options allow you to specify whether to display a message identifying the authenticated client and an option to exit:

show client welcome message

Social networks

These options allow you to specify which social network icons will be displayed in the app. The availability of these icons is directly linked to the configuration of the "Social media follow links " module.

Contact channels

These options allow you to specify the communication channels available with customer support for your customers through the app.

contact channels

The menu is one of the essential elements of an app. You can configure and customize the links available in the menu according to your needs. It is recommended to first create all the elements that the menu will have and then rearrange them until they are located in the desired position before saving the changes.

New menu

Menu items are created via the "Add New Item" button. It is also possible to add a new divider line to place as a separator between menu items.

new menu item button

In general, you can specify the title and icon that the new menu item will display.

Additionally, there are 2 fundamental types of menu, defined through the selection of the "Custom Link" field:

  • With personalized link: It can be linked directly with any link (URL) of the shop. The URL must be specified for each language of the shop.
  • Without personalized link: They are elements linked directly to a PrestaShop entity. The menu can be linked directly to a category, manufacturer, CMS page or native shop controller (page). In this case, the link is automatically generated in the app linking the menu with the corresponding entity. If "Use Title" is activated, the text described in the "Title" field is displayed in the menu. Otherwise, the name of the entity is displayed according to its configuration in the shop.

Sorting menu

Menu items can be rearranged according to customer needs. It is also possible to define any item as a submenu or child of another item. The way to do this is by dragging it to the desired position and releasing. Once you have finished organizing the elements, you must save the changes through the "Save Menu Order" button.


The maximum limit of submenus is 3 levels. That is, it is only possible to define a type structure: parent menu -> child menu -> grandson menu.

Here is a practical example of creating a new menu item and its corresponding resortering:

How would it look in the app?

app menu example


It is possible to delete and access to edit the menu items directly from the list.


In this section you can define custom CSS and JS code. These will be applied only within the app, without affecting the normal display or operation of the shop.

Dark Mode

In this section you can define custom CSS and JS code. These will only be applied within the app when the customer chooses to use the dark mode within the app from the corresponding menu option. The styles and behavior configured here should match the desired look when viewing the shop in dark mode. It is also possible to force dark mode to be displayed all the time (only when using development mode).

Web Content

  • Top banner: Allows you to define the HTML content you want to display as the top banner in the shop (only when customers browse from the web browser of their phones). This is especially useful for inviting customers browsing from mobile devices to download the app.
  • Custom content: Content to display in the location that you define within the theme of your shop. It is especially useful to have a link constantly in the footer of your shop, informing you that you have a mobile app ready to download.


Onelink is a free site that allows you to configure applications on multiple platforms with the same download link. When a customer clicks on the link, this page will automatically detect the type of device and will redirect them to the corresponding store (App Store, Google Play, etc.) to download the app.


Errors may occur during communication between the app and the shop. These will be registered and can be viewed through the corresponding option at the bottom of the module configuration screen.