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Campaign Administration Panel

Campaigns List

This section shows a list of all the notification campaigns registered by you. It works in a similar way to any other PrestaShop listing. In the upper right you can find a button to add a new notification campaign for your customers, a button to return to the configuration screen of the module and another to update the campaign data from OneSignal to PrestaShop.

In the header list you can see several columns associated with the campaigns. You will have the common options to filter the list by any column you want. Campaigns may be canceled after they are created and before they are fully executed. Only after they are fully executed can they be eliminated.

New Notifications Campaign

At any time you can create a new mass notification campaign for your customers. They can be used to promote a certain product in your shop, a specific section of your interest or simply show some important announcement. The following data is related to the notification that will be sent:

  • Title
  • Message
  • Link
  • Icon
  • Image (just for Chrome on Android and Windows desktop)
  • Delivery Mode (for more information consult: Sending Notifications: Scheduling)
  • Start Date
  • End Date

You can also define if the guests (visitors of your shop that are not yet registered as customers) are included in the campaign or not.

There are 2 filter groups that you can apply to select the recipients of your campaigns: Global Filters and Customer Filters.

The Global Filters will be applied to all subscribers registered by the shop, whether they are registered or invited customers (in case you have selected the option Include guests). The outdated data of the list of subscribers can negatively influence the selection of the recipients of the campaign when using these filters.

In order to select the customers to which the notification will be sent, there are 2 options: Define the customers directly one by one or establish a set of Customer Filters that define the group of customers you want to reach.

Specific Customers: If you use this option, the following options will not be taken into account. In this field you can write the name or email of the customers you want to select. Automatically a list will be displayed with the customers that contain the key word that you have entered in the field, giving you the option to select the customer you want.

Customer Filters: You can select multiple filters to choose the customers you want to send notifications.

At the end, and before registering the notifications, you can check the amount and emails of the customers affected by the filters you have selected. Once you are satisfied with the selection you can Register notifications for your customers.

Subscribers List

This section shows a list of visitors to your store (customers or guests) who have agreed to receive notifications. A customer can subscribe to notifications on several devices, for this reason the same customer can appear several times within the list of subscribers.

The listing works in a similar way to any other PrestaShop listing. In the upper right you can find a button to return to the configuration screen of the module and another to update the data of subscribers from OneSignal to PrestaShop. An incorrect synchronization can result in an outdated application of campaign filters on subscribers.

To keep your subscribers' data automatically and correctly synchronized between OneSignal and PrestaShop, read the section Cron Jobs of this documentation.

Notifications List

This section shows a list of notifications sent to the subscribers of your store.

It works in a similar way to any other PrestaShop listing. In the upper right you can find a button to return to the configuration screen of the module and another to update notification data from OneSignal to PrestaShop.

The column "Status" and "Clicked" will not indicate information for the notifications belonging to a campaign, this because they are notifications sent in the same message and OneSignal only shows a general statistic for that message.

To keep the notification data automatically and correctly synchronized between OneSignal and PrestaShop, read the section Cron Jobs of this documentation.

To obtain or update the results of the notifications sent at the moment, use the update data button.