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I have configured the credentials and it does not work

Please check the following points:

  1. Make sure you have entered the credentials correctly, if possible double check.
  2. Make sure that the linked domain in your App created in OneSignal is the same where you are configuring the module, this is mandatory for proper operation.
  3. Make sure that the problem is not general and validate the operation on several different devices and browsers, in case the issue only occurs on one of them, it is possible that your domain has been banned due to abuse, you can read more about it in the following items:
  4. In case your site has already been configured to use OneSignal in the past through another module or any other modality, it is highly likely that there is a cache in your browser and that it is causing the block. To solve it you must purge it, and each browser has a different process, you can rely on the official guide for this process: Clearing Cache and Resetting Push Permissions
Why do I have 4 languages installed in my shop and I can only send notifications in 3 of them?

This is because the list of iso codes of PrestaShop languages differs from that of OneSignal.

I have configured the abandoned cart notifications but I do not receive any

Please check the following points:

  • You must have the cron task of "Abandoned Cart Reminder" configured for them to be processed.
  • Verify that the time in which you have left abandoned your cart is within the parameters of minimum and maximum abandoned time.
  • In case you have chosen the "Intelligent" send mode, the notification can arrive in a period of approximately 24 hours.