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Module Settings

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In the upper right section you can find shortcuts to the lists of subscribed users, the campaign list notifications created and the notifications sent.

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Additionally, you will have access to these options from the standard PrestaShop menu.

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In this tab, the basic information essential for the module's operation is requested. Also basic start options for notifications. The data in this tab must be completed correctly in order to enable the following configuration tabs. Here is a brief description of these and how to generate or obtain them:

OneSignal App ID

This value allows OneSignal to link subscribers and notifications with your particular shop. It is completely required to be able to use the module. You must create a new App for the Web Push platform in the OneSignal administration panel. You can find a detailed tutorial at:

After creating the App, the wizard will ask you to select the type of integration. You must choose the option Custom Code and complete the other requested data. You do not need to do any other action or copy any code on your website. These steps will be done by the module for you. You can find a detailed tutorial at:
You only have to complete steps 1 and 2 of the tutorial. The remaining steps will be completed by the module for you.

After doing this you will find your App ID in the Keys & IDs tab. You can find a detailed tutorial at:

OneSignal REST API Key

This value allows the module to send the information related to the notifications to OneSignal as well as to update the data of subscribers and campaigns. It is completely required to be able to use the module. You will find your REST API Key in the Keys & IDs tab. You can find a detailed tutorial at:

OneSignal Apple Safari Web ID

In the browser Safari you need additional configuration to be able to receive notifications correctly. To activate the notification options for Safari follow this tutorial:

After doing this you will find your Apple Safari Web ID in the same configuration section.

Safari Safari Web Id

Persistent notification

All notifications are shown in the Notification Shade until the user opens or dismisses them. This option is limited to web browsers and operating systems that can be consulted at:


In this tab you can select which notifications you want to send to customers when an event related to them occurs in your shop. The available options are:

Welcome Notification

Through this option, you can define if you want the customer to receive a welcome notification when accepting to receive notifications. You can also set the title, message text and link of the welcome notification to be displayed in all the languages available in the shop.


Group of notifications that will be sent automatically when the marked event occurs.

  • 1003: It is always shown after a tracking code has been inserted in an order, the icon associated with this event is in the route: /modules/rg_pushnotifications/views/img/3.png
  • 1007: It is always shown after the customer receives a response to his consultation sent through the contact form, the icon associated with this event is on the route: /modules/rg_pushnotifications/views/img/7.png
  • 1008: It is always shown after a limited discount coupon is generated for a specific customer, the icon associated with this event is on the route: /modules/rg_pushnotifications/views/img/8.png
  • 1009: It is always shown after the customer requested to be notified when a product without stock is replenished, the icon associated with this event is on the route: /modules/rg_pushnotifications/views/img/9.png
    Note: This notification depends directly on having the module installed and activated "mailalerts". the activation/deactivation is controlled from said module in the option "Product availability"

Order Status Notifications

A list of options associated with the order status registered in your store is displayed, allowing you to activate/deactivate all those you wish to use. You can customize the title, message and icon of the notification that will be sent when the status is activated.
It also has a list of dynamic tags that can be incorporated into the message or title of the notification to further enrich the content.

Notification Bell

In this tab you can modify the texts, colors, position, size and default styles of the OneSignal notification bell. You will have a preview that will allow you to see in real time the result of the bell according to the customizations applied. You also have a wide variety of options to customize the dialog.

Cart Reminder

In this tab you can configure the options for sending notifications associated with reminders of abandoned carts.

You are able to establish if you want to activate the option to send notifications to your customers who have an abandoned shopping cart. In addition, you can define the conditions under which you consider a cart has been effectively abandoned.

You can define the options related to the notification that will be sent, such as shipping type, title, message, link and icon.


For more information about delivery modes, see: Sending Notifications: Scheduling

Optionally, you can generate a discount coupon for the abandoned cart, defining the minimum amount and during what period of time the discount coupon will apply, among other options.


In this tab you can set the cleaning options for obsolete notifications and subscribers.

You can select which notifications you want to delete based on the status of the notification, in addition to the time range in which you want to keep the registration of the notifications. You can also delete records of former users who are no longer subscribed to your shop notifications. In addition, you will have a Clear Now button to execute the maintenance process manually, without the need to execute or configure the associated Cron Job.

Cron Jobs

In this tab you will obtain the necessary information to configure the scheduled tasks related to the automated processes of the module, as well as the recommended periodicity for the execution of each process:

  • Abandoned cart reminder: Task related to the verification of abandoned carts in the shop, according to the configuration established in the Cart Reminder tab.
  • Maintenance: Task related to the execution of the periodicity maintenance of the module, according to the configuration established in the Maintenance tab.
  • OneSignal statistics data refresh: Task related to updating the data related to the notifications created (notifications sent successfully, number of clicks made on these notifications and status of the notification) and the subscribers in OneSignal (subscription status, subscriber identifier, last active session, etc.) is not in real time. A scheduled task (Cron Job) must be executed periodically to obtain and synchronize the data with those stored in PrestaShop. To update the data at the moment, you must use the Refresh Subscriber Data that is at the top of each of the corresponding listings.


During communication between the module and OneSignal for the creation of notifications or updating of statistical data, errors may occur. These will be registered and can be viewed through the corresponding option in the lower part of the module configuration screen.